About US

The Friends of Stark Park

In 2004, a group of concerned citizens founded the Friends of Stark Park (FSP), a 501(c)(3) charitable organization whose mission is “to develop, revitalize, maintain and protect the heritage and recreational use of Stark Park as an historic asset of the City of Manchester.”

The FSP will continue their work of restoring Stark Park to its former glory, thereby furthering their mission to preserve and protect the heritage of this historic Manchester site.

Board of Directors

Friends of Stark Park is operated by a small group of volunteers. 

If you'd like to get in touch, please use this form.

Interim Co-Presidents

Matthew Labbe

Diana Duckoff


Stephanie Lewry

Secretary and Bandstand Private Booking Coordinator

Jennifer McBride

Board Members at Large

Kara Andersson

Tom Christiansen

Bridget Krieger

Katie Shakaf

Dan Molloy

Steph Yeager