In the News
April 2021
April 2021
Thank you to the countless volunteers for making this day a success for our neighborhood and city!
Thank you to the countless volunteers for making this day a success for our neighborhood and city!
The Friends of Stark Park would like to thank Manchester Moves for their generous assistance in making our Walk in the Woods trail into what it is today. This trail connects to the Heritage Trail network, building upon and expanding what is already in place. Manchester Moves is an organization dedicated to developing and expanding access to nature trails which has adopted the woodlands of Stark Park as part of their trail-building mission.
The Friends of Stark Park would like to thank Manchester Moves for their generous assistance in making our Walk in the Woods trail into what it is today. This trail connects to the Heritage Trail network, building upon and expanding what is already in place. Manchester Moves is an organization dedicated to developing and expanding access to nature trails which has adopted the woodlands of Stark Park as part of their trail-building mission.
Thank you to Peter Noonan for this beautiful artwork of Stark Park. To see more or Peter’s artwork, please visit his website and check out his latest book, "The Bike Bus," which takes place in Manchester!
Thank you to Peter Noonan for this beautiful artwork of Stark Park. To see more or Peter’s artwork, please visit his website and check out his latest book, "The Bike Bus," which takes place in Manchester!